About Us

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Here is a little bit of information about us.  Carmeenah Scents is an all natural soap making company. Our mission is to give the consumer a choice between homemade soaps and commercial soaps, which are full of chemicals.
We, the owners of Carmeenah Scents, are a daughter and Mother team.  Carmen is the daughter of the team and Ameenah is the Mom.
We have tried commercial soaps for years with only a few brands we were able to use without skin irritation. We started making natural soap as a hobby and we started using them in the place of buying chemical filled commercial soap. Turning a hobby into a business is what we’ve done. Educating consumers about harmful parabens and other chemicals in most commercial soap are what we intend to convey.
Everything the body needs for cleanliness and healthy skin is provided in nature. Carmeenah Scents is all about “Getting Back To Nature.”

You can contact us at natural@carmeenahscents.com for more info.